Science, Mind & Paranormal Experience Eric A Lord Synopsis
The twentieth century has brought astonishing
advances in scientific knowledge. A consequence
has been a growing conviction among many that
science now has almost all the answers to 'the
question of life, the universe and everything'. This is
totally at variance with any belief in the reality of
'paranormal' phenomena. The easy option is to
debunk to assert that anything that doesn't fit into
the scheme discovered by science is necessarily
some kind of delusion. Yet, when one delves into the
evidence for the reality of paranormal events
evidence for telepathy, for reincarnation, for
precognition, for out-of-the-body experiences, for the
visionary experiences of saints and mystics - the list
is extensive it turns out to be not at all trivial. It is
showing us that something utterly vital is missing
from the current scientific view of reality.
Understanding what paranormal experience really is
and how it 'fits in' to the scientific picture of reality is
of central importance to any reasonable answer to
the question 'Who are we, and just what is this
'reality' we find ourselves in?' Perhaps the 'scientific'
view of the nature of reality presents only a facet of
reality a reality that is richer and stranger than we
suppose. Perhaps to paraphrase a remark of J B
S Haldane its stranger than we can suppose!